
PanLex: AWS instance retyping

Retyping methods

This document presupposes that you have already done the following:

Now you have a running database server on AWS based on a particular instance type. If you wish to maintain that server except for its instance type, there are two methods from which to choose:

  1. Stop the instance, change its type, and restart it.
  2. Create an AMI from the existing instance, and create a new instance based on the desired type from the AMI.

Retyping procedure

Method 1 appears to be most efficient. Implement it as described below.

In the EC2 management console, stop the instance. This causes the following disruptions:

Once the instance is stopped, which typically takes about a minute, use the Change Instance Type menu item to change the instance type. Then undo the disruptions:

Connect to the PanLex Interface Server (if.panlex.org) and, with the privileges of the superuser, edit the file /etc/hosts to identify the database server’s new internal (private) IP address, as revealed by the EC2 Management Console.

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