Ontology example

5. Define individuals

How are the terms used?

Wasow 2003 says "Ambiguity is a semantic property."

But a property of what? Hints (from Wasow 2003):

  • Why are natural languages so ambiguous?
  • An expression is ambiguous if it has two or more distinct denotations ....
  • Inflectional morphemes are ambiguous ....
  • There are also ambiguous multi-word expressions whose ambiguity cannot be attributed to the ambiguity of any morpheme or word in them.
  • Or to take a case of speech act ambiguity, who has never mistakenly provided an answer to a rhetorical question?
  • ... a legal case involving ambiguity of the expression net of in the following text from a formal contract ....
  • ... we didn't even present a metric to determine how ambiguous languages are.

We want to describe properties of what?

  • Languages?
  • Constructions?
  • Expressions?
  • Utterances?
  • Utterance-production acts?
  • Utterance-consumption acts?
  • Concepts?